Welcome! When Lao Tzu left China, he travelled to Tibet where he opened a school to share what he had discovered about Nature, health and regeneration over more than 100 years of practice. My mentor, Master Lama Rasaji lived and trained at that Tai Chi Gung Lamasery. I have been a student of his for more than 35 years. Regeneration of the spirit, mind and physical body accelerate when you increase the flow of life energy between you and Nature. The music here reflects more than 30 years investigating this connection. I hope you enjoy it.


A windy afternoon outside my balconey together with the joy of finally seeing leaves on the trees after a long Colorado winter helped inspire this piece for solo piano. Enjoy. BUY | SHOP | SUBSCRIBE

Music for Spiritual Transformation Vol. 24 No. 8

Music for Spiritual Transformation are special 90 minute tracks that feature music you can play quietly in the background to uplift your frequency and bring peace. BUY | SHOP | SUBSCRIBE


Not far from home along the train in the Meyer’s Ranch Open Space Park is a stone of epic proportion. Distinctive in every way. BUY | SHOP | SUBSCRIBE

Music For Spiritual Transformation Vol. 24 No. 1

Much of one’s evolution spiritually tips on the ability to raise your energy. Music can help do this. These pieces are single 90 minute tracks designed to uplift one during a meditation, Tai Chi Gung or Yoga practice, yet without taking center stage. Here is a 90 second sample. BUY | SHOP | SUBSCRIBE

Music for Spiritual Transformation Vol. 24 No. 2

Included in all these pieces is a pedal tone. Pedal tones are sustained sounds that continue beneath all the other music. These resonate at pitches inside the physical body. You can purchase the single 90 minute track for meditation, Tai Chi Gung or Yoga practice. Here is a 90 second sample. BUY | SHOP | SUBSCRIBE

Blue Sky

Not too far from home in Colorado is Reynold’s Park. Up in the foothills of the Rockies, on quite a few summer days, the sky shows an incredibly deep blue. BUY | SHOP | SUBSCRIBE

Bear Creek

The variety of ways snow melt finds it’s way to the sea is nearly infinite in Colorado. It’s a magical thing to behold and offers almost endless inspiration for music that moves forward with life. BUY | SHOP | SUBSCRIBE